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Minutes - January 22, 2020


Present: Scott Allen, John Metzger, Doug Keenan.

Guests: Kenneth Hughes, Noble County Plan Commission; Steve Garbacz, KPC Media; Jed Pearson, Harold Troyer.

The January 22, 2020 meeting of the Noble County Parks and Recreation Board was called to order by Acting President Scott Allen at 10:05 AM.

The Minutes of the December 4, 2019 meeting were approved as corrected.

Reports: President’s Report: Officer Elections: The Officers for the Noble County Parks and Recreation Board were elected as follows: President – Scott Allen;

Vice President – James Haddock;

Secretary – Doug Keenan.

Meeting Schedule for 2020: Discussion was held on the days and times for Board meetings for 2020. Possibilities suggested include third Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. in the Dekko Room of the County Office Complex South and Fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 a.m. in the Dekko Room.

Scott Allen reminded the Board of the cancellation policy for the meetings. If the weather is severe enough that the county offices are closed, the meetings will be cancelled.

Review of By-Laws: Scott Allen distributed a draft copy of By-Laws for the Noble County Parks and Recreation Board. These will be reviewed at the next Board meeting.

Noble County Plan Director: Kenneth Hughes noted that the Cosperville location is the best location for an Indiana Department of Natural Resources Public Access Site for the Elkhart River. The Board has not heard back from Senator Sue Glick or Representative David Abbott on their finding at the state level on the legal situation for the Elkhart River.

Website Report: Scott Allen passed around the director biographies of the Board members that are currently on the Website. Scott will update the biographies as information is given to him.

Old Business: Vacant Board Position: Scott Allen announced that Diann Scott and Kenneth Hughes have expressed interest in being on the Noble County Parks and Recreation Board. Scott will send these names to Jerry Janson for the Noble County Council to make an appointment.

Noble County Recreation Council: The main topic for the March 2020 meeting of the Noble County Recreation Council will be grants. A representative from the Dekko Foundation, Community Foundation of Noble County and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources will be asked to attend and share information on obtaining grants.

New Business: Harold Troyer spoke to the Board, and shared concerns with the tax rates and funding for parks and recreation. Harold noted that along with the positive aspects of parks and recreation, there can be some harmful affects to farmers and landowners. Jed Pearson noted that the IDNR has a crew that cleans and maintains public access sites.

Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Next meeting – February 26, 2020 at 10:00 AM at the Noble County Public Library.

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